homeplaceofthefuture daily log 5534
During the pandemic I have learned a lot about how weird my neighbors are and I know for sure they know I'm odd too -- I know my neighbor writes down how often I cut the grass on his calendar, ask me how I know. Boredom comes in many ways and I cut the grass a few times a week because I'M BORED! In all my years being at home before it was cool, I can personally vouch that I've never waited for the trash cans to empty by standing in my driveway and waiting for the trash man to come. I only do that for the mail!
homeplaceofthefuture daily log 5375
I have so much to say about this quarantine and the new trend of working home, but last night I laid awake thinking if anyone from Family Matters is still living off of that Family Matters cash. I'm concerned about my mental health. homeplaceofthefuture daily log 5343
My quarantine face after a little over a week of hearing friends, family, broadcasters, late night TV hosts all saying the same thing: They enjoy working from home What I find ironic is I've been giving my monologue everyday in the comfort of my home since 2005. Of course my monologue is saving the world one conference call at a time, but honestly put me in coach - I'm been prepping for this for 5343 days! homeplaceofthefuture daily log 5249
It's that time again - the annual office Christmas Party! This is no typical office Christmas Party, it's a party just for you, in your pajamas and in your home office (whether you an office or just use the kitchen table). Drinks start flowing at 11 AM EST and trust me, you'll be in no shape to get the mail or even sign for any Christmas packages today. Just stay in your home, clean up the DVR and enjoy a nice holiday beverage with your favorite person, you! homeplaceofthefuture daily log 5129 Do you have a minute? Are you wearing pants? If so please come to my office, I have big news to share!!! This past week we've celebrated one year of having an official landing page for the homeplaceofthefuture and all the fun it has included. The traffic is looking good, I've got a list of ideas/topics to tackle and I'm working on some branding assets to get a nice package around the blog content -- all good things while we build this empire on the side. I'm also about ready to throw the switch on some social media experiments, watch out world.....the homeplaceofthefuture is coming and you better be ready (to make fun of it).
Working from home can be a drag and just having a release with a little bit of acknowledgment is a nice perk of knowing we're part of this new community in this digital age. Have laptop will travel -- how's the wifi? homeplaceofthefuture daily log 5089
Is it really Friday? Someone smack me....oh wait no one else is here! Okay it is Friday and Fridays are particularly more exhausting on a re-entry week. What's a re-entry week, you ask? It's the first full week back in the office after a holiday and/or vacation. 5 full days in the homeplaceofthefuture dealing with hundreds of emails and hundreds of out of office messages from my European colleagues. I often feel that in the summertime the Americans (me) are keeping the world running while the rest of Europe takes a 5-week vacation to some random coastal city we've never heard of. I generalize of course, but you know its true. Here in the US we take a 4 day weekend and worry about how many emails have piled up or if we'll even have a job when we return on Monday. The Europeans and especially the Dutch, yes the Dutch just don't care. I had a Dutch colleague who in the middle of a large re-platform project (that she was running) decided she needed a 4 week African safari -- and not the chintzy ones that you drive through, she took a legit 4 week vacation in the jungle and left us all hanging! I hated her and envied her at the same time. Where am I going with this? I don't know, but please for everyone's sake if you have vacation time USE IT! Regardless if you get 2 weeks or 8 weeks, take it all. Anyways......it is Friday and I'm exhausted. I find myself already blocking my calendar to avoid any calls and most likely I'll start compiling my to-do list for next week. Not saving live here, but it sure felt like it this week. Cheers to a summer weekend! homeplaceofthefuture daily log 5071
With a weekend full of yard work and outdoor activities behind me, it is time to get back to work on this fine 5071th day of working from home. In an effort to make my work a little more "at one with nature" I installed a bird feeder outside my window to see what comes around....or maybe I'm just lonely and the birds are my only friends - either way bird feeder installed and filled with 6 pounds worth of seed. This morning I had to chase a mama deer and her 2 babies away from the feeder. Mama deer literally just gets up on her back legs and licks and licks and licks the bird feeder like a dog licks his paws. It was funny at first and kinda unexpected, but those deer are creatures of habit and after about 4 times of seeing her come to the well I went outside (with my headset on because you never know when a client is going to call) and I chased her off my yard with a hose. I turn my back to put the hose back and there she is again! Licking that bird feeder like she hasn't eaten in years. Well that's it -- I crossed the creek outside my window and took the bird feeder away with her watching me like I just turned off the Xbox. Now I need to find a high point outside my window where only the birds can get to it. I bore you with this story because the entire time I was chasing mama deer away I was laughing. Laughing at the fact that I'm working from home, dealing with angry clients, miscellaneous fires and oh those pesky emails and while all of that is going on -- this virtual employee to squirting hose water at a deer. In a way it kind of put things in perspective for me as I started the long road of yet another 5 day work week. homeplaceofthefuture daily log 5065
If you were having coworkers over to your house, would you hide the bottles of booze that normally sit in your office? I'm asking for a friend of course. homeplaceofthefuture daily log 5015
At times the virtual lifestyle needs a break. My kids were recently home for spring break and some testing days and my schedule was out of whack. I have an office with doors (yes doors), but having other breathing bodies in this home made for an easily distracted week last week. Today was the first day where EVERYONE (except me) was gone. I had the house to myself and all I could think about was leaving - weird, but I had to leave. I worked from the library for awhile (that's another post) and then I went to Taco Bell. In my 4 decades here on Earth I am 100% convinced that Taco Bell is meant to be eaten in your car. Once you get it home it doesn't taste so good.....trust me! I pulled into a parking lot and parked FAR AWAY from everyone. I just wanted to eat my Taco Bell where God intended.......in the front seat of my car. Of all the parking lots and all the days someone decides to park next to me really, really far away from the store's entrance and I could feel the heat of their eyes on me while I scarfed down and I got self conscious and it ruined my lunch. How does this relate to working from home? I don't know, but sometimes being home alone all day still makes you desire Taco Bell as fresh as it could be (in your car). homeplaceofthefuture daily log 4925
Due to extreme weather your local branch of the homeplaceofthefuture has decided it’s too dangerous to have their employee(s) work the rest of this week. They’re encouraging these employees to go see a movie, socialize, shower and treat themselves to something to eat not found pre-packaged. |
big cheesehomeplaceofthefuture thoughts and comments from the boss Archives
September 2020